For individuals who are participating in sports that require running and turning quickly (cutting and planting), neuromuscular exercises performed on a regular basis can reduce the risk of experiencing a injury to the muscles or the soft tissues in the lower extremity. For a number of sports such as soccer, netball and GAA these exercises have been developed into programs that should be completed twice a week. These programs include exercises for strength, including core strength, as well as for agility and body positioning to prevent movements into the positions that increase the risk of injury. The programs are being made available on web sites and all individuals in these sports, especially those who are returning from some type of lower extremity injury who are at a higher risk of injury, should be familiar with these prevention programs.
This preventative approach to exercises should also be a foundation to the treatments of any individual who has had an injury. Injury can lead to abnormal body positions including compensatory movement patterns that de facilitate specific muscle groups. As such improving an individuals knowledge of movement and ensuring that they align their body position, such as keeping their knee over their toe and aligning their hips, is important for optimizing their long term recovery